5 New Johns Creek Parks promised back in November 2016. Voters overwhelmingly passed a resolution to voluntarily pay more taxes, to accelerate park development and recreation opportunities for residents.
According to the City of Johns Creek Communication Department, 2016 Park Bond info webpage. "Construction could begin on selected projects as early as mid-2017 with completion of all the identified projects expected within five years."
Nearly 2 years ago, Mayor Bodker proclaimed 2017 to be a "transformational year" for approving 4 of the 5 park concepts and moving forward with construction documents.
The only documents residents have seen from the Government? The additional tax line items homeowners had to pay every year since 2016.
Below is the marketing documents from the City's Communication Department, of the proposed parks, pitched for the tax increase.Â
3 Pocket Parks, Linear Park & Cauley Creek Park.
We reported about State Bridge Rd Pocket Park, back in September 2014.Â
Nothing has been done with the 4-acre land in 5 years. It's baffling why it is such a struggle to build out a small pocket park for City Staff.Â
Staff estimated $250K for the proposed State Bridge Rd Pocket Park. That cost ballooned to almost $3million!Â
The consultants drew exciting plans with Forest canopy walk and nature playground. The park can only accommodate 17 parking spots.Â
It hasn't been discussed recently or is a priority for Mayor Bodker to have on the agenda.
The City purchased this land on Morton Rd in August 2015, for $640K from GA Power.
They had the option of leasing it for $1, for 50 years. The land is under high powered transmission lines, making it nearly unfeasible for development, hence the $1 lease.
Mayor Bodker wanted to "own" the land since the City would be turning it into a park. If that does happen, do you think the playground equipment will outlast 50 years?
Originally estimated for $1 million in 2015, the price tag has gone up to $2.5 million once consultants got involved. Splash pad, playground, half basketball court, bathrooms, and pavilion fill the 4 acres. All with a road paved through it, so cars can drive around the small park while kids are playing. Hmm... Are kids really welcome here?
This pocket park had plans for a community garden and bathrooms, which escalated the costs. It was put on the back burner, with Cauley Creek Park nearby.Â
This park went from $750K to $1.5million.Â
The City paid $ 2.85million for the TPA Lakes / 2 retention ponds in Tech Park. City Hall is now located in front of it. Although there is no official park yet, Staff had exterior accessed restrooms built at City Hall with the Park Bond money. This was not on the original proposal.Â
The City Staff has ambitious plans of backfilling the ponds and creating festival fields. Consultants included a Wedding Chapel, waterfalls & community center. A high-density city center is desired by some on Council for the area.  The indoor recreation center was only mentioned during the referendum. Â
The City has owned Cauley Creek for nearly 4 years and nothing has been done with the land other than relocating the roadkill dumpster that was poorly placed by City Staff Public Works, near Johns Creek High School.
The park will be nearly 195 acres. City Council paid approximately $8 million for the additional land next to Cauley Creek Park. The former sewage processing plant & 133 acres of land was purchased in November 2015Â for $20.5 Million. Those funds were saved from the prior council.
In October 2018, City Council approved a Master Plan for Cauley Creek. It is estimated to cost $27 million to build out the entire park, which will take several years. The City Council agreed to build out in phases with $10 million allocated from the park bond.
$1.67 million has been spent on FieldTurf for Newtown & Shakerag Park fields. This has been the most tangible and widely used items spent with Park Bond monies. It could have come general fund.
Enhancements to existing parks were also done. Such as a gravel parking lot and smokehouse at Autrey Mill. Those were fairly minor costs.Â
The remainder of the costs have gone to consultants, fees and issuance costs. Significant interest is being paid each year on the loan.Â
Other proposed features for Autrey Mill seem highly unlikely to be implemented according to the City Manager. Even though consultants and surveys recommended them. Such as archery range. A rope course, and a special needs adventure playground for kids and adults were also in the promoted renderings. Nothing has been mentioned about it.
Finally, to date (5/1/19), of the $40 million borrowed, ~$13 million has been spent, and $10 million allocated for Cauley Creek Park. This leaves approximately $17 million for 3 pocket parks and Linear Park.
In conclusion, not a single construction document for a park has been executed since the Park Bond was approved. Mainly because the costs were grossly underestimated for the referendum.Â
Source: City of Johns Creek
Criminally incompetent.
If you look back at City Council agendas for several months, what has been the most pressing item? CVB agenda and how to spend the $300K of OPTIONAL hotel/motel tax the city collects.
The mayor is a buffoon.
Excellent recap. Another example of why the neighboring communities are leaving JC in the dust.
Why does it feel like our neighbor cities are progressing and we are completely stagnant? We cannot use the excuse that we are a new city any more. Roswell, Alpharetta, Duluth, and Suawnee have progressed so much in the last 10 years, and we have literally done nothing tangible that I can easily point to.
I asked (emailed) the Mayor where is the pocket park near State Bridge Rd.....no reply as of yet.
Two noteworthy Johns Creek projects:
1. Sewage Pipe Beautification: At the bottom of the hill of Barnwell Rd near the intersection with Holcomb Bridge Rd, there is a gorgeous handmade wooden shelter that looks like a long mini covered bridge with high end irrigated grass median approaching from near the Kroger shipping center for a giant sewage drainage pipe.
2. Newtown Park Luxury Bathroom Renovation: Since the existing bathroom seemed so decrepit, it was remodeled to look like a fancy hotel lobby restroom lounge with what looks like granite countertops and designer tiles & fixtures.
Time to organize a massive March on city hall , protest signs and all, to demand taxes be lowered until all these items have been accomplished and I'd a mayoral recall. This is not only incompetence, it is robbery from the homeowners.
Morton Road pocket park is turned into a dumping area it's an eyesore disgusting mess thanks a lot Johns Creek government for nothing
Very sad looking!! ? what happened to the proposed park?