
Activists Want To Ban The Rudolph Movie From Christmas This Year

October 29, 2020

Although many Americans grew up enjoying the Christmas special, “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” it may be cut out from television broadcasts this year. Because critics of the Christmas special believe that it celebrates bullies, they want to stop it from negatively influencing the lives of young children across the country. If you’re like me, you’ve probably watched the Christmas special a dozen or more times over the years – and have experienced no harm from doing so – yet. The politically correct police want the special canceled for the upcoming Christmas season.

Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a Christmas special that is guaranteed to be shown over the holiday season. However, critics do not appreciate how nearly every character in the film starts off as a sort of bully to Rudolph, who is different from them all due to his red nose.

The film follows Rudolph, a young reindeer whose nose glows red when he gets excited. Although his nose is harmless, people and animals in the North Pole avoid him because of it. During his adventures in the movie, Rudolph meets Hermey, the elf, and a gold prospector named Yukon Cornelius. Although Hermey is supposed to make toys for good little boys and girls every Christmas, he really wants to be a dentist.

Along his adventure, Rudolph meets an Abominable snowman and arrives on an island filled with reject toys. Because he has a massively good heart, Rudolph wants to help the misfit toys. On Christmas Eve, he travels back home to the North Pole. But an evil snow queen creates a snowstorm that prevents Santa from delivering toys to all the good little boys and girls.

Rudolph saves the day with his glowing red nose and helps guide Santa’s sleigh through the wintry storm. Because of Rudolph, Christmas is saved, and he goes down in history as a hero.

While the story ends well, critics do not appreciate all the hardships Rudolph must face along the way. Because he looks different from all the other reindeer, he is bullied and rejected. There’s a reason this holiday special is still aired today – decades after it was created. Nevertheless, critics want the movie axed from the holiday repertoire immediately.

Hermey, a major character in the film, scares critics. The elf is obsessed with teeth and has a sinister personality.

But even Rudolph is not free from criticism. Throughout the movie, he has a crush on Clarice, a pretty female reindeer. However, the romance is centered solely around his physical attraction to the animal of the opposite sex. The politically correct police wished that this romance could have had more substance. And been more focused on Clarice’s personality rather than her long eyelashes and flowery, feminine whiles.

Cancel Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer?

Although there are some people calling for the cancelation of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, others feel that the bad behavior throughout the film is part of the point. The characters realize how wrong they have been at the end and offer their apologies to Rudolph and the others they rejected without cause.

Do you think the movie should be canceled?



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Cheryl Heeth

Let's take a real look at this. A reindeer who is different through trials and tough times preservers. He goes above and beyond what anyone thought he could to save the day in a time when no one expected him to. He brings with him others that need a second chance. They are outcast by society because they do not measure up to the standards of the day. He is given a chance and in a society where (remember the 50's) if you were borne different you did not fit in it no matter your race. This was geared toward accepting children that had birth defects.

L. Dillard

The author didn't name anyone trying to ban this movie other than the term "critics" and "activists". Specifically, who are these people trying to ban it?


The worst part except for Hymie and Rudolph, is the the males: Santa , the coach , Mr Rudolph, head elf they are just awful, everything , misogynistic negative rude asses, but representative of the era's men and women relegated to their roles. We could just keep it as a classic or make a newer version. As far as Rudolph and Hymie and even the the Snowman they are very REPRESENTATIVE OF TODAY: bullied, misunderstood etc. And relative. Most people of all ages enjoy the story as a Christmas tale. If we ban this we should ban nearly everything on TV and movies and games.


You are literally a pathetic excuse of a member of society. You make me sick. Long live Rudolph!


Well, John would not post my remark, since I challenged his premise, that "activists want to ban Rudolph". Neither did he show his evidence, as both I on 11/17/20 and L. Dillard requested on 11/2/20. So, shall we conclude that this is yet one more "War on Christmas" myths to panic people and incite them against phantom leftists?


Exactly. It’s always “activists.” Ugh. Can we stop using click bait words to drum up traffic for your site. Make better content.


All they have to do is turn the channel if they do not want to see it. I am really tired of a few trying to tell everyone else what to do.


It's a under dog story. the plot for over 100 other movies. Its the story of our history. Bench Mark's that started that the movement for acceptance . This movies should be celebrated for there content. The balls it took to make these movie in that time, huge. I guess we should stop telling the story of rosa parks. Wouldn't want to highlight bullying and racism. ????

Justin Kaufman

Everyone should not ban everything we hold dear especially this film who has heart and charm but if left ban everything including this film has one think coming toward them is down with Left and liberals Ban left and liberals not this film


To the parents who want this show about turning off your TV and teaching your kids about bullying and leave the rest of us to enjoy this time-honored classic? God almighty, what the hell is this world coming to?

Cynthia Elia, RN

No. Period

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