
Ask the Candidates: City Reserves

September 30, 2015

Currently, the City has amassed approximately $57 million.

Discuss your plans, if any for the City’s reserves.






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Editor, did you get the same response from Nazeera? The whole "they're following their own timeline thing? Why did she and Jay choose not to answer this one either?


They both chose not to answer the entire questionnaire. We included their photos and names as they are on the ballot and have not been omitted on our part.


We should only spend money on projects that are worthwhile, and if a project is worthwhile, we should find a way to use the reserves.


Question..what is the City going to do with the 57 Million? Just saving it for a rainy day or are they actually going to use some of this money to fix the horrendous traffic problems Johns Creek has? And I mean "horrendous!"


Everybody wants to fix the traffic problems, but like Mayor Bodker said, sometimes widening the roads just encourages more traffic from Forsyth and other places, and the problem gets worse.

Common Sense

...and sometimes it's just the traffic lights that are installed, cycle too quickly, and answer calls for service too quickly from the side streets.

Auntie M

I would like to know if Ms. Dawood fessed up to the inconsistencies in her being married/ versus divorced and a Dr/versus Masters in health promotion.


A person can call herself a doctor after 4 years of medical school, but then she'd need to do a 2-year internship in order to get a license to practice medicine.

Quackery Oats

" The MBBS program is 4.5 years after High School + 1 year of internship.

Are an undergraduate and medical degree from the US (7-8 years after high school) and a medical degree from India (4.5 years after high school) comparable? I don't mean in terms of the ability to be licensed in the United States, but in terms of the education itself.

What are the pros and cons of this system?

My question is, how do the schools in India pack what I believe should be an 7-8 year educational experience plus RESIDENCY in 4.5 years(please pardon my American arrogance)? "


My question. Does Ms. Dawood own a place in Johns Creek. And if she is renting an apartment, when did she move here? I don't want a person that isn't paying taxes, spending mine.


According to Fulton county tax records, her name is not listed as owner. RAMASAMY KARTHIKEYAN & VELUSWAMY ANBUNANDINI are the owners. This is for the address whitepages has for her address in Johns Creek.


In fairness, JCP is going through all the candidate addresses listed and tax rolls.


What does this mean? Why would Dawood even be permitted to run if she is not paying taxes in JC? Pardon my ignorance, but what are the qualifications that must be met in order to run for council?


@CTimms Paying property taxes is not a prerequisite for city council.

From the City Website:
Per the City Code, anyone wishing to qualify and run for Mayor or City Council must:
be 21 years of age;
have lived in the City of Johns Creek for 12 months immediately preceding election;
continue to live in the City of Johns Creek during period of service, if elected;
be registered and qualified to vote in municipal elections within city.


All politicians. Not one of them even suggested giving a portion of that money back to the people of Johns Creek! They so soon forget that it is OUR money, not theirs. Listen up, candidates, here's what we want 1. No high density development. Period.
2. Time the #$%#% lights. Not rocket science. Need an example? look at Long Beach, California. I can drive completely through that city in about five minutes because their lights are timed correctly! Anyone else reading this, pay attention to those lights . Green means go, not text. Tell your teens, too.
3. Enough traffic studies. Any idiot knows what needs to be ..................done by now.
4. In the black? Give it back! It means you've overtaxed us!
Yes, keep a prudent reserve, but beyond that, refund our money. I can spend it better than government.

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