
Ask the Candidates: Is the City Fiscally Sustainable?

October 22, 2015

Is the City fiscally sustainable with our current mix of residential and commercial?  If not, why not?


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Note: We invited the ALL Candidates to participate in an 11 Question Survey.

Jay Lin & Nazeera Dawood chose not to Answer the Questionnaire, and we included their names and photos to show they are on the ballot and were not omitted on our part. Click here to read our 2 cents...



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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Todd Burkhalters post reads "The District and other initiatives will improve the mix of tax revenues"... These are Bodkers words verbatim. Layoff the koolade Todd!

Burkhalters answers to almost all of the comments thus far have been as though he was reading from a script provided by Bodker.

We sure as heck do not need another Bodker puppet on the council.

And how, with a straight face, could Burkhalter possibly sit in a council meeting next month (if elected and I pray not) to consider the rezoning case involving the proposed apartment development on Bell Road at Medlock- when he has accepted campaign contributions from that very same developer? Is that even legal???? Conflict of interest? Unethical? Really?


The campaign contribution was from the land owner seeking to develop the apartments, Mr Wages, a Mortician from Lawrenceville.


Nazeera Dawood was a weak candidate at the JCHS and JCCA forums. She has rarely attended city council meetings despite her claims to the contrary. She hasn't voted in the last 4 elections either!

Vote for Carlos Carbonell!

Lied to by Steve

How soon "senile" Steve Broadbent forgets his promises not to increase taxes!

Steve has not opposed raising the millage rate, because no one has proposed that. What Steve Broadbent opposed was reducing the millage rate and took $2 Million more of our money to put in the bank and collect 0.16% interest!!!

The other candidates will vote to reduce our millage rate next year like council members Gray and Zaprowski tried to do this year, but were voted AGAINST by Steve!


Broadbent needs to go. If enough people don't vote him out we deserve what will get in the future. We cannot have voter apathy in this election.

Won't Get Fooled Again

Broadbent says in his flyer that JC is stronger. Yet we are told we are not economically viable going forward.


Broadbent says "Promises kept". yet he campaigned the first time around "to support long-term sustainable budgets that do not raise taxes..."

This year he voted to raise taxes by keeping the millage rate the same as the previous year.

HOW and WHY can you say that is a promise kept?

I voted for Broadbent last time.

WHY would I vote for him again?
HOW could I do that if I really do not want to see my taxes rise in the future?

A councilman who does not realize he actually voted for higher taxes because he voted to keep the millage rate the same should not be reelected.

Broadbent also supported leaving two council seats empty for more than a year.

I still have not heard him publicly admit that was a mistake.

The WILL of the Council over the WILL of the people is NOT why we became a city.

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