Bob Gray Wants to Drain the Swamp: Why didn't he on the Local Level?

April 12, 2017

Bob Gray Wants to Drain the Swamp! Bob Gray who recently resigned from Johns Creek City Council to run for U.S. Congress, has put out a commercial on Youtube vowing to "Drain The Swamp".

Well, why does he feel moved to go all the way to D.C to remove career politicians?

Why didn't Bob Gray focus on cleaning up the swamp in Johns Creek?

Bob Gray skipped the crucial February 13th Council Meeting, where "Term Limits" were discussed. Had he been present for the conversation, another voice in favor could have changed the outcome of the discussion.

Bob Gray also missed 5 City meetings since announcing his Congress candidacy, and still collected a City Council paycheck.

How will he create term limits in Congress with 435 people, when he didn't even do so among a City Council of 6?

Yes, Bob Gray has done some good things for Johns Creek.

The question is why did he limit himself from doing good within Johns Creek and chose NOT to advocate for Term Limits here?

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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--Bob Gray let the city to lower the property tax mil rate for the 1st time in its history (against the mayor's objections).
---Bob Gray let the Fulton cities' objection to MARTA expansion!
--Bob Gray, using his skills as an MBA-Finance from the Milton Friedman/Booth School of Business and the University of Chicago, led the initiative to totally re-do the city's books to create reserves for capital investments in the city.
--Bob Gray led the effort to put the $50m+ in capital, sitting on the shelf, to either put it to work or return it to taxpayers.
--I can personally assure you, Bob Gray NEVER took a paycheck he didn't earn from the city.
Clearly, your headline shows your bias for another candidate and ignores the incredible work Bob Gray did for Johns Creek.

Your report is nothing more than a slimy hit-piece in the later sages of the congressional campaign.

I just lost a LOT of respect for the Post.
.....Journalism died in 2009. You just joined the graveyard.


Read the post in its entirety.

We stated Bob Gray has done good work for the City.

If you follow us over the years, we've highlighted many of things you stated above.

Bob Gray made a CHOICE to go campaigning for Congress during the meeting and Not attend when Term Limits was discussed. Charter changes were on the AGENDA, so it was not a surprise.

Bob Gray CHOOSE to skip:
Billboard Town Hall
Quarterly Town Hall
Special Called Executive Session
Work Session
Council Meeting


Bob Gray should have resigned from council when he announced he's running for congress. The fact he held onto the seat till qualifying wasn't good. He didn't work as a councilman but collected the pay.

This article is fair.


June I know for a fact Mr. Gray had to attend a Council meeting the evening and then the following day he filled out the paperwork!!!! Get your facts together!!!!!!


June is correct.

View the 3 videos from Feb 13th.
Work Session: where the Charter Changes for Term Limits were discussed

Quarterly Strategic Afternoon Meeting

Council meeting

The other meetings Bob Gray missed are:

Jan 12th Quarterly Town Hall

Feb 9th Billboard Town Hall

Feb 10th Special Called Executive Session Meeting

View the videos yourself to see who is and is NOT in attendance.
Bob Gray was NOT at ANY of these meetings.


Bob Gray is fading fast in the polls. The 2 Republicans Moody and Handel are tied for second place in the 6th District Congressional race after Democrat John Ossoff who is in first place.


Here is an article by another source.

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