
City Purchases Land Under Power Lines for Park

August 15, 2015


Land Under Power Lines for Park! -

The City made its first land purchase for park space this summer. Spending $640,000 for 4 acres on Morton Rd. Part of the land was owned by GA Power.

High Powered Transmission Lines traverse through the area. As Johns Creek grows, so does its power consumption and more lines could be added in the future.

The City had the option to lease the land for $1/year for 50 years but opted to own it outright, even though it was highly unlikely to ever be developed.

A roundabout is being constructed on Bell & Boles Rd. A small pocket park is to be adjacent to the intersection.

It is unknown when both pocket parks will be ready for use.

What do you think about Land Under Power Lines for Park?



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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Park name? HOT TOT LOT ?


whoa...Electric Fields, Magnetic Fields & Power Lines are a Health Hazard! Would you want your kids under those????

G. Halpern

City council wants your kids to play there

Mike Bishop

$640,000 instead of $1/year lease for land that can't really be used for anything due to safety concerns?! Sounds like a crazy waste of money.


$1million playground plan is in the budget proposal to be voted on Sept 24.

Just Saying

Let me see if I got this right. $840k for a 4 acre pocket park, and $1mil for playground? Must be some playground!
And how much again would it have cost the city to have purchased Dean Gardens property rather than voting to rezone and turn it into another subdivision? The Dean property would have been a park to be proud of and enjoyed by many. This property is located along the river. It had expansive established lawns and gardens, beautiful statues and stone work- All already in place. It was a property large enough to accommodate many. The possibilities were endless...

It would not have been a weak and dismal little pocket park.

Instead our elected officials move forward with stupid little pocket parks. It seems Bodker and council just want their names somewhere in the same sentence as parks. It does not have to make sense/cents, or even be a good idea. They want to appear as though they care about preserving green space and improving the quality of life for JC residents. What a waste.


It was $640k. The $1million price tag is for the plan and development of the pocket park. The City should omit lighting from the plan and just supply florescent tubes. The electro magnetic fields will light tubes by sheer presence, without any wires.


I think our city council has gone crazy in light of all the ridiculous things they want to approve ! There's only one way we can stop this and that's to vote them out !! Enough is enough !!


City Council could have saved taxpayers the expense of pocket parks and used the money to construct 3-4 additional roundabouts on Sargent Road.

Informed Voter

Anyone know just how far is this park from the proposed State Bridge Park?


They are 1000 feet apart.

Informed Voter

Are you kidding me? $1 million spent for a park within walking distance of another proposed park?

Must be too far for some folks to walk to get some exercise.


The Morton Rd pocket park cost $640k to purchase. It is expected to cost an additional $1million to develop.

Informed Voter

Thank the Council that we increased the property taxes. That should just about cover it. :(


The tax increase went toward the more expensive lawn mowing contract.


I like the idea of 3-4 additional roundabouts on Sargent Road but lets take this to the next level. Bodker could also build a roundabout ON an existing roundabout on Sargent Road!!!! Kevin the lottery goat is more accurate shooting a basketball better than the city has been spending OUR money.

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