
Dereliction of Duty: Jay Lin Misses ANOTHER Council Meeting

April 18, 2016
Dereliction of Duty: Jay Lin

Dereliction of Duty: Jay Lin

Dereliction of Duty: Jay Lin. It has been said, the hardest part of a job is just showing up, and Jay Lin can't even accomplish that consistently. Of the 11 meeting days the Council has had this year, Jay Lin missed 3 meetings, as well as 2 executive sessions. He missed most recently, Monday night's meeting, for being out of town. He had the option to "Skype" in virtually and chose not to.

The City Council makes very important decisions that impact our lives. From construction and infrastructure projects to policy decisions, the residents deserve representation. The City Council spent close to a $1million dollars on various agenda items, such as engineering designs for roads widening Monday Night.

Another hot item at the meeting was a proposed light for Barnwell Rd and Niblick. Many residents attended out of the concern and to provide feedback for the Council. Jay Lin was unable to contribute to the discussion and provide input. He toted his construction experience while campaigning. Where is it?

The remaining Council members have stellar attendance records and hover near 100% in recent years. Both Bob Gray and Steve Broadbent have "Skyped" into the meetings.

Do you consider this poor attendance a Dereliction of Duty: Jay Lin? Do you feel this behavior warrants his removal? On the Citizen front, a recall election can be initiated. City Council can also remove him for failure to perform his job. Or he can simply resign.

Readers, which 'R' would you like to see: Remain, Removal, Recall, or Resign?



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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resign. he is an embarrassment.


A 73% attendance rate gets you fired in most jobs or removed in compulsory education settings!


The ethical thing for him to do is resign if he is unable to represent his constituents in the manner they deserve.


Predictable -- Jay ran and won because of his Asian constituents who voted for him and only for him. They didn't even look to vote for any other candidates. It is a sad state of affairs when people vote based on race, color...

I personally prefer to vote on substance. And he brought nothing to the table for me just donations from lots of outside interests. Which I found troubling for us.

Before you guys call me out... I am Asian myself and I am calling a Spade a Spade. Just stating facts.


you criticize Jay missed the meetings, this is correct. We're also pay attention to this. We want to know why and hope him to improve.

However, you just want to attack. Whatever happens, you and this JSP, are just ready to attack, from day one. You are a racism yourself!

Your words are full of prejudices. You know Jay nothing, but bias.

You said "They don't look to vote for any other ..." Do you have data to support your point?
You said "he brought nothing to the table for me just donations from lots of outside interests…” What is your base/fact?
You are just a liar and full of prejudices. So, you are totally negative to the Asian people.

The Asian population is almost 23% of JC. Asian people are correcting their traditional problem of paying little attention to the local affairs. Now, with Jay’s and other Asian candidate election, they changed their attitude to positively concern and join into the local city business. This is a great thing! All honest and positive leaders are very happy to see and encourage this positive change! This is the greatest treasure of America, being a melting pot of multi-cultures.

Only you and this JCP, the racism always take it negative, you are just ready to opposite and attack for Asian people to join into this local political process.

From your words and actions from day one, we didn’t see any constructive and active reason and idea, except hate. What you want is just keeping Asian people from the local political process.

You and this JCP are typical racism! Racism is the only reason for you guys!


I think it is rash to hurl spurious claims of racism at anyone here. I think it is worse to claim that the only way that Asians residing in Johns Creek would pay attention to local politics is based on the Asian ethnicity of a candidate.

Unfortunately, you may be correct. Over 350 more people voted in the Post 2 main election, that included Jay Lin, than the Post 2 special election that did not include Jay Lin. So, those 350 voted just for one election for the same post and did not concern themselves to vote for the same post (or any of the other posts for that matter).

Again, I don't think Jay's conservative views differed much from Stephanie Endres or Carlos Carbonell so that's strange that they'd only vote for only the Post 2 in that election, and none of the other ballots.


Hard to tell what Mr. Lin's views are. He is as silent as Davenport.


Johns Creek Post and its readers are proud of our International City and welcome all nationalities.

What we want from our elected officials, including Jay Lin, is representation.

That means speaking or acting on behalf of the residents.

Jay Lin has bar none, thee worst attendance rate.

When he does attend City Council meetings, he does not speak, a peep!

Watch the videos last night, for example. He does not contribute to the discussion, ask questions, or offer any opinions or suggestions.

Paul Hu

As a newly elected city councilman, may be Mr. Lin is there to learn and to listen first, before he makes any opinion or suggestions. Have you ever thought of that? Did you personally ask Mr. Lin the reason why he did form any opinion or make any suggestions? Please don't form your opinion before you get all the facts.

K. Shinogi

@Paul Hu- How many more months/years will it take before Mr. Lin makes any "opinion or suggestions?" Does he need more time "to learn and listen?" Is it fair for the taxpayers to fund his salary while he is still NOT DOING HIS JOB or even bother to show up?

Hyunjoo Whitmore


Let me add to what @anon, the Editor, ICE, Elliot C. et al. have eloquently stated:

you criticize Jay missed the meetings, this is correct. We’re also pay attention to this. We want to know why and hope him to improve.

>>>> You are right about that. Please tell me who is the "We" you are implying here? You obviously don't speak for ALL.

However, you just want to attack. Whatever happens, you and this JSP, are just ready to attack, from day one. You are a racism yourself!

>>>> Criticizing(not attacking) an elected official for NON-performance of duty is NOT RACISM. It is performing your civic duty, an honorable deed! Welcome to America!!

Your words are full of prejudices. You know Jay nothing, but bias.

>>>> Based on his (in)actions, WE KNOW one thing about Jay---- he just is a miserable failure as a council member. (Not worthy of my taxes paying his salary.)

You said “They don’t look to vote for any other …” Do you have data to support your point?
You said “he brought nothing to the table for me just donations from lots of outside interests…” What is your base/fact?
You are just a liar and full of prejudices. So, you are totally negative to the Asian people.

>>>> Plenty of data... if you bother to LOOK.

The Asian population is almost 23% of JC. Asian people are correcting their traditional problem of paying little attention to the local affairs. Now, with Jay’s and other Asian candidate election, they changed their attitude to positively concern and join into the local city business. This is a great thing! All honest and positive leaders are very happy to see and encourage this positive change! This is the greatest treasure of America, being a melting pot of multi-cultures.

>>>> 23%?? (How many of them are citizens.?) Again, what does that have to do with anything. Do you want QUOTAS for elected office? While there are plenty of Asians(Americans of Asian heritage) who are well qualified--Jay Lin IS NOT(to date he hasn't asked a single question!!). And... on a different note, since you brought this up, multi culturism is much overrated. We do not need balkanization of America. What we need is more assimilation. Let us get more well-versed in our obligations as responsible citizens and voters in our adopted land. Let us learn to question Authority.

Only you and this JCP, the racism always take it negative, you are just ready to opposite and attack for Asian people to join into this local political process.

>>>> Again, seems like you come from a place where people WORSHIP ELECTED OFFICIALS. Here we have something called freedom of speech, where you can criticize elected officials no matter what their skin color or place of birth. Just read the JC Post on a regular basis, and browse through a few articles/postings from the past, you will know that plenty of politicians, government royalty(servants?) and other "leaders" of all EThNIC persuasions are questioned and criticized for a variety of reasons.

From your words and actions from day one, we didn’t see any constructive and active reason and idea, except hate. What you want is just keeping Asian people from the local political process.

>>>> Speaking against BIG GOVERNMENT, WASTE, CORRUPTION and CRONYISM is very constuctive. My fellow Asians(Americans of Asian origin) should ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE and protect OUR city and OUR tax dollars.

You and this JCP are typical racism! Racism is the only reason for you guys!

>>>> Keep in mind, racism is a 2 way street. Vote on issues, not race. I want someone who represents me, my hard earned tax dollars and my values--NOT my skin color!!!!

Paul Hu

Did you have the actual facts about the Asian contituents who only voted for Jay Lin? Show us the proof. Smart people find facts first before they speak. Your comment is based on actual fact or you own personal opinion, please let us know. Of course, everyone is entitle to his/ her opinion. If your comment is based on your personal opinion please let people know first.


Maybe out of the country, half way around the world? Also mentioned he would be unavailable at a previous work session. People here love to hate and jump to conclusions.

As long as there is engagement, I really don't care if someone is at every meeting. Most of them are a waste of time on nuance stuff spent just to educate new council member how to actually lead.


If he was indeed half way around the world, like Taipei, which is 12 hours ahead, then "Skyping" in at 5am & 7am would be do-able & reasonable. He chose not to.


Who cares. Most of the council meetings are formalities. And there are always two council members who keep yammering about things they should already know


Anonymous, I am concerned that you feel the council meetings are just a formality and not important. According to the City Charter the duties of a city councilmember are specifically laid out in Section 3.10 to 3.21.

My belief is the council meeting is the citizen’s meeting. It is our opportunity to find out what the city government is doing. When lengthy and productive conversation is had it lets me as a voter understand a council member’s true beliefs and their understanding of each and every topic. With this type of robust discussion it allows me to better understand who is an effective council member and who is not. When I never hear any comment from a council member or participation in a discussion it leads me to believe they are not informed on the topic or have no interest in the topic one way or the other. It is their job to be involved at these meetings. I personally have no problem with council meetings going to the late hours of the evening. This is our opportunity for full transparency by our city government.

If a council member only shows up to other meetings but not the council meetings than no matter how much they participated their voice is muted just by their absence at the meeting that truly matters. Only by attending the council meeting can a councilmember be a full participant in the city business. It is only here that their vote and discussion truly matter. It is the only venue where their action can be implemented with their vote. While the city council can hold other types of meetings ( work session, task force meeting, Committee meetings, etc.) it is not required by the charter, the only meeting required for the council by the charter is a minimum of one council meeting per month (Section 3.13 item (a)). This is why there is a section in the charter that allows for the removal of a council member for job abandonment or failure to perform the duties (section 2.16 item (a) 5). Since the only meeting required to happen is the council meeting failure to attend these meetings is grounds for removal.

JC Taxpayer

You clearly haven't been paying attention to the council meetings. This is where the money is spent, ordinances are passed, zoning laws are adhered to and policy is set. And the commentary brought to the table in the meetings in 2016 are to educate everyone else on what is going on, why it is happening and full impact to the residents of Johns Creek - at least that is my take. I prefer to not be an uneducated voter and to understand who is spending my money and how it is being spent.

If it is just a formality, why have the meetings at all?


JC, you clearly haven't been paying attention to the meetings. Those meetings lately could have been done in a quarter of the time if some of the council members actually did thier home work or knew how to lead or be on a council. Discussions since the last election have been to grind to a slow uneventful crawl with deliberate angry grandstanding. Working sessins, task forces, etc.. seem to be where real stuff seems to be done made for our city. While he has yet to be proven, he certainly hasn't missed much that couldn't be shared over basically a quick email. As an I formed and educated voter, I prefer movement over drama. Isnt why we separated from fulton?

Why have the meetings? They might be worth attending when not full of senselessness or other more colorful word.


@Anonymous - You are correct. The Work Sessions and Task forces are where the real stuff is discussed. Those are exactly the meetings that Jay Lin missed. The 'Strategic Economic Development Plan" Meeting, which is the City blueprint for the future, and Parks & Rec Strategic Plan meeting, which is looking at a $100 million bond.

He also missed last Monday's meeting, which included a Work Session, filled with important agenda items, the regularly council meeting, and an executive session of 4 land issues and 1 personnel issue.


Mr Lin's lack of participation does not come as a surprise to me. During the campaign there were several online and printed forums which asked the candidates their views on many subjects important to our area, Mr Lin repetitively failed to provide his views on many of these. A primary reason I did not vote for him and why I believe his continued presence on the city council is a great disservice to JC.


If meetings are a waste of the time and he cannot skyp why did he run for city council? Surly he had attended at least one session and was aware of the format. I think a resignation is in order. No point in spending more $$ for legal fees.


He won't go quietly and will have to be recalled. Why did he run in the first place if too busy to fulfill his obligations.


He should resign, if not, get him out.


He should resign. We have had way too much of this type of behavior in our country for way too long. The person who commented "Who Cares" should leave too.

Higgs Boson

I distinctly recall in one of the candidate forums that Lin looked over at Coughlin and said he had no young children to distract from his time and devotion to serving the city. At the time, I didn’t fall for it but apparently his donors did. Any JC voter that took the effort to look at his donor list would immediately know something was very wrong! Those donors are his constituents, not Johns Creek at large. Lin is wrong for Johns Creek. If he won’t go nicely then Rip him out. That word begins with an “R”.


ICE hit the nail on the head. People voted for him because he is Asian. He did not even answer questionaires sent out b4 the election, no one really knew where he stood on the issues. It is sad people are racially motivated in this day and age.

Paul Hu

Your assumption that people voted for Mr. Lin because he is Asian is absolutely an uneducated guess. He won over his opponent by a majority of the votes, fair and square. If Mr. Lin is Caucasian, Hispanic, or African American, would you make the same assumption?


I can understand citizens wanting the city council to reflect the make up of the city, but they should vote on the candidate that actually represents them on the issues, not just because a candidate looks like one of them or brings diversity.


In every Johns Creek Post questionnaire prior to the election Jay Lin was very consistent with his reply..."no comment". I truly do not understand how this individual won an elected post in our city government. I would be very interested in hearing from those citizens who voted for this individual. Take me through your reasoning process.


Regardless of whether he misses council meetings and fails to performs the duties he was elected to do; Jay Lin continues to collect a paycheck from the taxpayers $1250/month or $600 meeting.

Should he stay or should he go? Let him know!
[email protected]



JC Citizen

Was Jay Lin one of the Mayor's coalition candidates? Coughlin was the right guy for the council. He was also the right guy to work on the charter but oh well. I wonder how many Asian businesses Jay Lin can bring into the District? Or maybe he can bring them into all the empty retail spaces in JC as a result of cannibalization from the District?


Skype is blocked for gov use in outside of the country


That's nonsense.

Millions of people daily use Skype and/or facetime for videos calls all around the world.

If he had internet troubles, he could have simply did a voice call and be placed on speaker.

Life is all about choices and priorities.


Why does someone keep posting that Jay Lin does not attend meetings even before his effective inauguration? Why not call him to find out the real reason? Is it targeting to Asian community or want to work out city affair? Or a loser' make up attack?


There was no inauguration. That is for the President of the USA.

His term started Jan 1 2016. The swear-in is ceremonial, photo-op event.

His absence is significant, because it is rare. In recent years, we have nearly a 100% attendance rate with the remainder of the council.


Wasn't it Jay Lin's campaign manager that made an issue about Chris Coughlin having small children, and would that affect him making the City's meetings and events?

He should have been asking his own candidate that question, apparently. I believe I have seen Chris Coughlin in the audience at those events Mr. Lin was unable to make "due to other commitments".

It's not about race by any means. Mr. Lin is supposed to be representing our entire community.

Absent is not representative.


Shame on him

Elliot C.

I think the longer the Asian community defend him, the less credible they will be with the next Asian candidate.

Better for him to resign and own up he was not the best choice. Everyone will respect that.

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