FOIA Docs Expose: CVB Not in Compliance

April 12, 2019

CVB not in compliance
Recent FOIA Documents EXPOSE the CVB NOT in Compliance with the MOU or with the Georgia Sunshine Laws regarding Public Notices. Back in September 2016, CVB signed? an MOU with the City of Johns Creek.
An MOU is a memorandum of understanding, a type of agreement between two parties. In this instance the Municipality and CVB. 

There has been much confusion, lack of communication and awareness over the CVB activities. Read up on our previous post here, and here. 4 Issues of how the CVB NOT in Compliance:1) City Clerk Joan Jones & Financial Director, Jeff Bohm are not on the CVB board. Within the MOU, it is stated they "Shall Serve".2) CVB has NOT provided the Council with Quarterly Metrics (since the MOU)3) No Annual Audits4) No Public Notices / Legal Ads for Meetings Six of the Seven CVB Board seats are filled.The CVB has Not replaced former Council Candidate, Vicki Horton who was on the CVB Board last year for 4 months. Our FOIA request for the Public Notices of CVB meetings resulted in copies of faxes to Appen news. This is not proof it was publicized or "Proofs". Most of the meeting dates happened within a few days of the faxes. There is no written request for it to be published online or in print, just checkbox for review on the cover sheet. 
CVB accomplishments have included the painting the Johns Creek Tunnel, 4 kiosks (~$14K), $25K Wall that Heals, $30K Tourism Promotional Video by Chip Wade, and now the pursuit for Gateway Markers.  Finally, you can view the MOU Draft here

View the CVB FOIA Docs here
GA Sunshine Law here...

Update: Did the City of Johns Creek and CVB sign an MOU? 

If not, why not? Why is there just a draft within the City Documents? If that is the case, why was no official agreement undertaken?

 Source: City of Johns Creek 

Update 2:

CVB takes corrective action on its website, and lists it Board Members, links to its meeting dates and provides more information than the previous chatbot. 

        <h2>Previous Page</h2>      
                                    <img src="" title="CVB1" alt="CVB Website" />                                         
        <h2>Revised Page</h2>       
                                    <img src="" title="CVB Website" alt="CVB Website" />                                         
        <h2>CVB Added this New Page to their Website...</h2>        
                                    <img src="" title="CVB3" alt="CVB Website" />                                         

With GA Sunshine LAW
CVB Website



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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Carl Chapman

Where is the executed MOU?

  • magnifiermenu