Future Development Plans! After more than a year in the making, countless meetings and more reams of paper and documents than anyone can possibly sift through, City Council are scheduled to vote Monday night.
Below are some of the highlights of the drastic details included in the plan.
The bane of existence in Johns Creek - Traffic Lights has been allocated a measly $ 2.5 million dollars to improve signals. A paltry number, considering this is the #1 issue impacting every resident.
Yet a NEW loop road near Emory Johns Creek Hospital & Ebix is tagged for $6 million. Who knew this was an issue or need?
Even after 12 years as a City, more studies are needed to determine improvements.
Unfortunately, coordinating the signals and increasing the green light timing is not mentioned. Simple fixes that will yield improvements and ease congestion.
2 options are listed on page 174. $8 million is allocated.
Grade Separation with State Bridge Rd going UNDER Medlock Bridge Rd.
However, this project would take several years to complete, at least... It took the City 18 months to widen a half-mile of Old Alabama Rd & install sidewalks.
The bustling Regal Cinema complex is identified for redevelopment. Quite a bit of land will be needed if this project is approved.
Michigan Thru Turns are back!
Removing ALL Left-hand turns, and having cars make right-hand turns and then U-Turns.
Or alternatively, go thru the intersection, make a U-turn, then right-hand turn.
In addition, Massive Signage will be needed to direct traffic in the opposite direction of where they want to go.
As the busiest intersection in the City, most residents drive through it at least once a day.
How many Pedestrians do you see crossing the road?
FOUR Tunnels are in the plan. According to other municipalities, the typical price tag is $6 million for each tunnel, $24 Million total. That does not account for the yearlong disruption in shutting down entire lanes, whilst burrowing underground. Should bridges be considered? The entire region will be negatively impacted for years with long delays, and for how many walkers??
Which begs the question, where are these walkers coming from?
In the event the land across from AAC is for sale, the City will NOT buy it. As zoned agriculture, the 77 acres, can have 77 homes built upon it.
In recent meetings, AAC board members & Attorneys have strongly requested the land be changed to Mixed-Use and allow 8 units per acre, totaling 616 residential units.
Secondly, the Landowners adjacent to Johns Creek High School, have requested similar changes.
Planning Commission voted to recommend the City Council consider the AAC's request for mixed-use. City Council will decide the density, Monday night.
The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) suggests feasibility studies for 15 Roundabouts!
Finally, the last public hearing for this plan and Vote, is Monday, 8/13/18 8pm
City Hall
11445 Johns Creek Parkway
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Email your thoughts about these Future Development Plans to the City Council electedofficials@johnscreekga.gov
Source: City of Johns Creek
More news on Johns Creek Apartments here
State Bridge and 141 is still an intersection that has yet to have the problem truly defined other than sugar and bags. Yet we are willing to spend $8 million moving forward?
What if three left turn lanes and three through lanes southbound on 141 were all that was needed to eliminate the issues in that direction in their entirety?
What if three left turn lanes and three through lanes westbound on State Bridge were all that was needed to eliminate the issues on State Bridge west bound?
We often hear about the "design" capacity" of 141. Well, 141 was not "designed" with the current configuration of traffic lights as closely spaced as they are today.
We do have a maximum capacity at each intersection. And we can determine that by the numbers that are collected daily.
We improve that maximum capacity by making improvements to those intersections. We should start there first before spending $8 million of the Public's money.