• High-Density Apartments ~ Where'd this come from?

    April 21, 2015

    With the City encouraging multiple Property Owners in Developing High-Density Apartments in the District. It comes as no surprise with the recent hire of Sharon Ebert as Director of Community Development, who was found from a Nationwide Search.

    This new City Employee comes with extensive experience in Public/Private Development of Low & Mixed Income housing for the Bridgeport Housing Authority.

    From demolition to collecting public housing operating subsidies ($2.3 million Aug/Sept 2014) from the Federal government, her previous experience with HUD programs & housing redevelopment casts a possible light in the direction the City is heading.

    Bridgeport Housing Authority manages more than 2,800 Housing Choice Vouchers. Residents are required to pay 30% of the rent and the federal government pays the remaining 70%, which Bridgeport Housing Authority facilitates.

     In Johns Creek City Charter there is an Ordinance covering affordable housing. There is various info about Density Bonuses, and how developers can donate land to the City.

    Sec. 4.26. - Inclusionary Housing Zoning.

    A New Lender is now located in Tech Park and is listed on HUD website that was approved 3/3/15.

    Johns Creek has taken yearly Federal Funds/entitlements from the Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  The CAPER is a report of how they spent those funds and what steps the City takes to overcome various barriers such as affordable housing, and underserved needs.

    "the City is unable to control the price of real estate within its borders. While this may effect availability of affordable housing, the City has taken steps towards encouraging multiple property owners in the development of high density housing in conjunction with a city center economic development plan." City of Johns Creek HUD CAPER report.
    The report also states "The Mayor of the City continues as an active participant at the Atlanta Regional Commission, particularly as an advocate for public transit."

    Also indicated was that shade structures have been built for public transit. The UDA Renderings for an 8 lane Medlock Bridge Rd include dedicated MARTA lanes.

    High-Density Apartments

    High-Density Apartments

    Sources: the City of Johns Creek, Dept of HUD



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    The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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    Is the City and property owners in tech park colluding to have high density apartments, if they "encouraged" them as this caper report states?

    Is that why so many apartments are in the Urban design plans? This is certainly not what the residents want. I went to both district meetings and residents explicitly said they did not want HD apartments! Now we know who wants them!!


    It's been apparent for some time now just who wants more and more apartments, rampant rezoning approvals, high density building and clear cutting, over development, and now even MORE concrete (pushing "The District" as though it's a good thing). Adding to this mission towards turning JC into a "Big City" by pushing for public transportation in JC should be no surprise. This is all being done under the guise of holding down the taxes for JC citizens- and while claiming our property values will increase, which makes no sense.

    No one, including potential home buyers, is going to want to deal with the traffic gridlock getting in and out of JC, not to mention the ever growing population already taxing infrastructure and over crowding our schools.

    "Good Schools" and "Low Crime" are touted as the big draw to JC.
    Low cost housing and public transportation will change both of these assets.

    The madness is not going to stop until this mayor is replaced, and/or has a council that actually does what they were elected to do > represent the people- and have the backbone to say "No" to the mayor.

    A mayor's job is to act upon the will of the council. The council is supposed to act upon the will of the people. Neither one of these processes are in place today, and have not been for some time... The checks and balances are broken.

    The mayor and his entourage of a council he heavily influences (controls) continues to amaze... After much thought, and observing the council interact with the mayor at work sessions and city hall meetings it has become painfully clear that if we don't want to live in a big city type environment we better move.


    I agree with everything you said, except I think it's the mayor who should move!


    I agree with you too! Thanks ;-)

    Judy Remiszewski

    This a travesty, get rid of them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    This plan is the anthesis of what the majority of homeowners in Johns Creek want and will support. Also we won't be selling our homes to the demographic they are chasing,.they can't afford it and those currently here will leave..wake up JC! Thanks for posting this information JC Post!




    What's wrong with hiring a local person who knows our neighborhoods, subdivisions and our values. Someone from an urban city isn't going to help preserve our bedroom community.


    Cori Davenport and Bodker flew to Texas and saw an apartment complex by Urban Design Associates (UDA) they liked.

    Concerned Citizen

    Interesting - this trip was sold as being part of a conference.

    K. Shinogi

    @Richard, Bodker and Cori must be VOTED OUT.

    Jane Jetson

    Why is the city council focused on more development and high density housing when they've accomplished NOTHING to deal with the traffic and peak hour gridlock that has been getting worse?

    The District is positioned as attracting young professionals to the city. That would be people preparing to start a family. Where will we put yet more schools in Johns Creek?

    The transit proposed in plans for The District is only focused on a loop within the northern tier of Johns Creek. How does that improve our transportation issues?

    Can this city council and mayor focus on fixing existing problems instead of creating new ones?

    None of these plans reflect the will of the majority of tax paying citizens of Johns Creek.

    Who is going to benefit from these plans? Follow the money.......something is amiss.


    I believe the public transportation piece of the plan I heard mentioned at one of "The District" presentations given by the Urban Group specifically said "the city" was entertaining/planning eventual pub transportation from more than just within the district. They said pub trans from Doreville or Decatur in to JC. This has something to do with the mayor selling out to Fulton county for some kind funding- not worth the trade off, that would allow Fulton County to call the shots, so to speak. I thought we broke off from Fulton so we would not have to allow them to make decisions adversely impacting our city???

    John Galt

    On Traffic: Have you looked at the number of riders the buses that run up and down 141 carry? You will see GRTA buses and Gwinnett County buses.

    And they are empty or nearly empty.

    So how much money has been spent on this experiment over the last five years? And how much money have they lost?

    Have you EVER seen a government program that was shut down? No.

    We'll be told we need to spend a bit more and expand a bit more.

    If we were going to embrace mass transit, we would have already done so.


    OK, if this is true it is so fundamentally wrong with the premise of the City envisioned by people who voted to become a City. This vision is being removed by many of the same people we put in office to uphold the initial vision?

    What is going on here? Are we becoming like other cities that puts bribes, sorry, campaign contributions ahead of the people?

    The current political officials need to get the citizens of this city to offer their collective voice and consider their position instead of the position of some outsider or government agency that has no interest in what residents consider a good place to live.

    Politicians: Wake up or walk out! If not, be voted out at first chance.


    Anon: well, vote them out instead of in!


    It's almost time to vote them out !!! So get out and VOTE!! Lenny and Bob Gray are the only keepers in my opinion!!


    I agree Anonymous. Wish the Mayor could go too. I am not sure when that election is coming around, but he needs to go.


    I would have never voted for the current mayor given the knowledge that he supports high density, low income apartments. I have lived in a number of cities and do not recall a single instance where this was advantageous to the city or residents and local businesses surrounding these sites.


    The Slow Construction Clock is a clever idea. Perhaps we need another clock that counts down the months, hours and minutes until Bodker and his socialist agendas can be replaced! Kevin is looking better every day.


    When is the next mayor elections?

    Anonymous Too

    NOT soon enough!

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