Johns Creek CVB Hires HGTV Star to Encourage Tourism to Johns Creek

March 28, 2019

Johns Creek CVB Hires HGTV Star

Freedom of Information Requests reveals the Johns Creek Convention & Visitors Bureau is working hard to make Johns Creek a Tourist Destination. Johns Creek CVB Hires HGTV Star.

For ~$30K, home renovation expert Chip Wade hosted a 2 minute Youtube video tour. Encouraging viewers to "Leave the Ordinary Behind" with Johns Creek attractions. Such as Emory Johns Creek Hospital, Regal Cinema, Golfing, Autrey Mill Nature Preserve, Newtown Dream Dog Park & Chattahoochee River.

Return on Investment (ROI) or Key Performance Indicators (KPI), or any promotional leveraging on behalf of Chip Wade were not indicated in the Contract. View the FOIA here... 

Grab your popcorn! Neat aerials of our City ahead.

This video has been on Youtube for over a year.

Will Johns Creek Post Viewers push this video over the 2K view mark?

In addition, Chip Wade created a Virtual Reality Video (similar to Google maps) for the CVB website. It is "Hosted" on Wade Works website and likely gets all the analytics and data and is to be paid annually for the hosting.

Finally, Chip Wade added day and night scans of the Johns Creek Tunnel mural. To the virtual tour experience, that is on the CVB website. -- Below is a video of the Johns Creek tunnel at night in technicolor.

Source: City of Johns Creek & Johns Creek CVB



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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To be honest, while I love the nature reserve and dog park, to expect out of towners to come to JC for that when we are surrounded by cites with a lot more is a stretch. If anything it'll just remind JC residents there is some nice stuff around to check out.

Meghan Fagan

I don't see Johns Creek as a tourist destination. It is our quiet home and refuge from the hustle and bustle of life. Autrey Mill and the parks are great places for residents to enjoy time outside. In my opinion, the specialness and beauty would be taken away if these areas were overrun with tourism.


~$30k for a JC tourism promoter? Gee whiz and give me a break. It sounds like our "fiscally" responsible in name only Mayor is using tax dollars to turn our government into a jobs program for family and friends. JC is already a pass-through and/or stop point for numerous people given our ridiculous levels of traffic. The money could have been better utilized to help fund a much needed traffic light synchronization plan.

However, this will never happen because the level of effort to coordinate with GADOT and surrounding governments to make this work will not generate enough money to significantly impact CH2M/Jacobs' quarterly report to Wall Street. Instead, we can expect more large-scale and grandiose expansion projects that are solely designed to line the pockets of the City's consultants, engineers, and contractors off of the backs of JC's taxpayers...

Kathy Driscoll

Ridiculous- Johns Creek is not a destination for tourism !
We have enough traffic & people; I honestly don’t want more . What a waste of 30K.

  • magnifiermenu