In January 2020, the Johns Creek CVB was notified they need to be in compliance with the Georgia sunshine laws.
At the Johns Creek City Council work session on January 25, 2021, a discussion was held to give direction to the Johns Creek Convention and Visitors Bureau (JCCVB) regarding compliance with The Sunshine Laws.
On January 27, 2021, the JCCVB submitted a "settlement letter" to council members to negotiate compliance with The Sunshine Laws.
Included in this post is the letter I submitted to the full Board of the JCCVB. Ensuring tax dollars are being spent legally and transparently is the right thing to do.
Letter to Editor - From Stephanie Endres
Additional Info:
What is so interesting about this CVB issue is how we are reminded of who is the "Common Denominator" with all these "drama issues" that seem to surround the COJC government? Give up.......yep it's Mayor Bodker and the Bodker Playhouse Players. To add some color and clarity to this HS drama produced and director by the Mayor. The Mayor has a legacy that some may have forgotten, We (the residents tax money) have been used to pay settlements to the last two City Managers and the City Clerk all of whom were hired by the Mayor....why you ask? This is only three examples of which more exist. Some individuals don't seem to follow the City Charter or believe it's a suggestion not the legal rules required to run the COJC Government in a professional and legal manner. Remember it is the Mayor who helped create and structure the CVB to begin with and he hand picks the people who run this volunteer group. How can we forget the Mayor's most recent (Bodker Playhouse Player) aka Mayors personal assistant Mr. Craig Kidd who helped the Mayor "weaponize" this job by having Mr Kidd do opposition research (while on the COJC clock being paid) against sitting members of the City Council such as Councilman Coughlin in an effort to control "four votes" to ram through the agenda of "Bodkerville" formerly known as Johns Creek. This abuse of power was NEVER took FOIA from local residents who did the work to force this issue to be dealt with. So what was the "punishment "for such Emperor like behavior" and abuse of power? A wimpy apology and HS drama tears of how sorry he was and he won't do it again.........really.
But it doesn't end here, Linda Smith the Chairwoman of the CVB who has a history of bristling whenever anyone disagrees with her decisions, or plans for use of the funding and how the CVB should operate. Her specialty in the Bodker Playhouse Players is to play the "victim" as poor Linda is being bullied.............well like any coin or story you have two sides. In either December of 2018 or January of 2019 Mr. Coughlin was disagreeing with Linda Smith's CVB Plan and provided an very non-emotional logical alternative for some of the CVB funding. I was live at this City Council meeting and you could see the smoldering anger from Chairwoman Smith as Mr. Coughlin continued to make his case. So how would a professional volunteer Charwoman of the CVB who has access to about $500,000 in hotel tax revenue per year as a so called "partner" with the COJC handle this situation? Linda Smith choose the path of sending a "threatening text" to Councilman Coughlin promising to run someone against him in the November 2019 election for City Council. But it gets even better, Mr. Kidd was helping Kent Altom who was running against Mr. Coughlin for City Council and the largest contributor for Mr. Altom was Linda Smith. Mr Altom was also the former attorney for the CVB. So now you can see how the Bodker Playhouse Players all perform as the Mayor treats the general public as if you have "no gray matter" and will buy all the drama he can produce and direct. The biggest item that seems to really be missing from this tale of so called "mistreatment" to the CVB should be the following.
Councilwoman Davenport term ended in December of 2018, one of her assignments was the acting liaison with the CVB on behalf of the Mayor and City Council. The structure of the CVB as created by the Mayor and the City Charter require the Mayor to assign a council member to fill that role. So when was the next person assigned to that role? I believe it was either February or March of 2020 with Councilwoman Elwood........? You have a gap of 14 to 15 months....why? The Mayor's negligence plus penchant for ignoring the Charter and the CVB rules that require Mayor to have oversight since the COJC is sharing these hotel tax proceeds with this volunteer organization. It is also very, very interesting the the City Attorney Mr. Bennett, City Manager Mr. Densmore and the attorney on the City Council Councilwoman Elwood all believe the "Open Records & Meeting Act" aka Sunshine laws apply to the CVB.
But how dare you ever question Linda Smith on anything..........really? Only the Mayor could pick someone who has this prickly personality to run a volunteer organization that will be in the Public eye and everyone within the COJC will express an opinion along with the Mayor and Council with whom the CVB is expected to work with. The choice of Linda Smith to lead this organization is akin to proving that water and oil do NOT mix. Which leads to the basic question that all of us have. If the Mayor and Linda Smith are so adamant about not being subject to the transparency of the Sunshine laws........just what are they trying to hide? Could it be the use and distribution of the $500,000 in hotel tax revenue per year?
The CVB letter from their attorney sounds more like "blackmail" from an angry Chairwoman who detests being questioned. After Linda Smith apologizes to the COJC and the Mayor and Council and the Mayor does the's time to move on from the Linda Smith era. Maybe she can find a non-public position where she in never questioned on least the residents of the COJC can be absent her regular drama as we all move forward.
Johns Creek First is a concept I have discussed with several Council Members in the past including Council Member Bradberry.
Today it seems like what comes first is Johns Creek's City Government including the groups that receive tax dollars at the expense of the residents.
The CVB should be disbanded. The tax revenue should be left in the hands of those that collect it to spend as they see fit, without the need for third and fourth parties to tell them what to do at a price.
Monday I visited the CVB website. The number of closed businesses still listed were comical, including Outback Steakhouse and S&W Seafood.

Now, what year did they close?
One would think if the JCCVB meant business then they would know what businesses are and are not actually still in business.