Johns Creek CVB Website - Out of Date, Not in Compliance & Dangerous to visit?

February 11, 2021

When you visit the Johns Creek Convention & Visitors Bureau website - watch out! They do NOT have an SSL certificate, which is deemed unsafe and insecure. Depending on your browser, you may get the message below.

JC CVB not secure


Not in ADA Compliance

Johns Creek CVB website lacks alt text, has links that contain no text, and has hidden content to screen reader users. As a local government agency, operating for the public benefit, ADA Compliance (Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design) is not only expected but required.  The purpose is to provide information accessible for people with visual and auditory disabilities. Fines for first-time offenders can range from $55,000-$75,000.

More Errors on the JC CVB website

Also if you search for their website - this is the metadata that appears. Do you own the website? It appears they did not set up google maps API, correctly and Google will not provide their API services for free.


JC CVB ownership

Out-of-Date Information

On their Dining page - they feature at least 3 restaurants that are long gone from Johns Creek.  Outback Steakhouse, S&W Seafood, and Smashburger.

Also, Mojito's Cafe has a dead link.





The lack of professionalism comes as no surprise, as the JC CVB has had a long history of ethical issues, drama, and questionable expenses.  They paid HGTV star Chip Wade ~$30K for 2 min youtube video. They also paid $62K to paint the tunnel.

For an organization that is representing the City of Johns Creek to create "tourism" - why should tourists bother to visit, if a simple visit to their website is not only potentially dangerous but out-of-date with few events?

If you do want to visit Johns Creek, or are looking for things to do in the area - our Johns Creek Post calendar is FILLED with local activities and we don't take tax dollars for it.




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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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