Johns Creek Mayor's Investigation

December 21, 2019

The Johns Creek Mayor's Investigation is in full swing - Bodker has chosen how the investigation will proceed and also said once he reviews the findings of the investigation and decides what, if any, action he will take, he intends to share the full findings with the rest of the council: His "Judgment Call".

The very person who should recuse himself from the investigation has taken it upon themself to steer the investigation. Most importantly, how is this good governance?

Bodker Admits He Cannot be 100% Objective

Yet, Bodker strong-armed the council and in his typical defiant character, pushed forth the decision as to how the investigation will proceed.  Mayor Bodker was the one texting with Craig Kidd.  Craig Kidd is his direct employee.  Bodker requested Police Chief Densmore, who is acting City Manager, to look into and see if anything Criminal happened and to identify concerns of the charter and city staff policies.

Regarding the results of the investigation, he is steering clear of his own wrongdoing. Bodker stated he wanted the "Opportunity to Evaluate it First".  Mayor Bodker stated he will take "Responsibility" for the employee that works for him. With this process, it appears less likely to find his own wrongdoing with Bodker involvement in the scandal.

Bodker Avoids Accountability

Councilwoman Stephanie Endres requested the City Council to invoke an "inquiry and investigation" in accordance with the charter. Bodker interrupted and refused Councilwoman Endres to pursue following the Charter for inquiries and investigations, into matters he was directly involved in.

Therefore, Bodker removed accountability and transparency by removing the City Council oversight from the process.

After our Johns Creek Post explosive article "Exposed: Johns Creek Mayor Office Corruption Scandal" was published - Councilwoman Stephanie Endres subsequently consulted with the City Attorney regarding the serious matter. Below is the recommended draft Stephanie Endres attempted to present Council for inquiries and investigations.



WHEREAS, Johns Creek City Charter, Subpart A, Article II, Section 2.15 lists Prohibitions of city council;

WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council in the majority have the authority under Johns Creek City Charter, Subpart, A, Article III, Section 3.12 to make inquiries and investigations into the affairs of the city and the conduct of any department, office, or agency thereof and for this purpose may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, and require the production of evidence.

Any person who fails or refused to obey a lawful order issued in the exercise of these powers by the council shall be punished as provided by ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the City Council of Johns Creek based on the information presented, determines there is sufficient cause to warrant an inquiry and investigation of the Office of Mayor to commence immediately. This investigation will include allegations of:

1. Misuse of city resources and assets in violation of the City Charter

Subchapter A, Article II, Section 2.15(a)(1)and/or ( c): a. Influence city election, Johns Creek City Council Posts 2,4, and/or 6b. To support Fulton County GOP efforts c. Extensive other personal use of phone and laptop internet activity by the Executive Aide to the Mayor;

2. Misuse of city resources for a “deal that is not public record” meeting held at Johns Creek City Hall on September 9, 2019, originally scheduled for September 8, 2019;

Allegations are derived from a records request made by a resident that included the following information:

  1. Text messages from January 1 –October 25, 2019
  2. Laptop Browser History from January 1 –October 25, 2019
  3. iPhone Browser History from January 1 –October 25, 2019
  4. Cell Phone Call Log from January 1 –October 25, 2019
  5. Desk Phone Call Log from January 1 –October 25, 2019

Bizarre City Meeting Leadership

According to the Work Session Summary minutes, published by the City Clerk, Councilman John Bradberry led the discussion. Yet, he admitted he was unaware of the details on the topic and lacked direction in dialogue. Furthermore, Bradberry deferred to Mayor Bodker's wishes. Likewise, Zaprowski agreed.  Meanwhile, both Bradberry and Zaprowski dismissed following the City Charter process of the City Council conducting inquiries and investigations.

However, Councilwoman Stephanie Endres had prepared notes, talking points, and a draft Resolution. She worked with the City Attorney to develop the draft resolution. Why did Mayor Bodker task Bradberry with this agenda item of Johns Creek Mayor's Investigation?

Councilman Broadbent, Lin, Zaprowski, and Bradberry agreed to let Bodker pursue taking control and oversight of the process. Bodker offloaded his personal aide "investigation" to Police Chief and Acting City Manager Ed Densmore. Why? Forget it being the holidays. Chief Densmore has much to do between managing the city, police department and assists in hiring a new city manager and other key management personnel.

What's Next

Secondly, this isn't the first Johns Creek Mayor's Investigation. Back in 2013 City Council launched an investigation on Mayor Bodker for possible ethics violations. Similarly, Mayor Bodker allegedly violated the City Charter through abuse of powers by directing staff to issue occupancy permits for Johns Creek Walk, after the city denied the permits.  The ethics investigation was canceled after the election by the swing votes of Lenny Zaprowski and Cori Davenport upon their immediate swearing into office.

Even more recently, the majority of Council refused to look into why the zoning laws were given a blind-eye for Mayor Bodker's longtime friend and campaign donor Richard Aaronson.

Meanwhile, a month will go by until the next council meeting.

In conclusion, with Steve Broadbent and Jay Lin exiting their City Council terms, this leaves Councilman Lenny Zaprowski (from a historical perspective) to solely defend Mayor Bodker.

Two new Councilpersons will be sworn-in in January 2020. Brian Weaver and Erin Elwood. Moreover, it is interesting to note that upcoming Councilwoman Elwood who is also a whistleblower attorney, stated to the Johns Creek Post in the Candidate Questionnaire #3  "Government transparency is extremely important to me".

No wonder, Bodker is fighting for control, it should be his last stand.



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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Nothing like the fox guarding the henhouse. :-P

  • magnifiermenu