Medlock Bridge Worsening ~ Mark Burkhalter Highway -Where is He?

February 2, 2019
Mark burkhalter highway
Medlock Bridge Rd / SR 141 is named after Mark Burkhalter, current GDOT Board Commissioner

Medlock Bridge Worsening

It's no secret Medlock Bridge Worsening. With Tuesday's "Snowstorm", the road quality conditions could have been worse. 

Why hasn't GDOT filled in the potholes and maintained Medlock Bridge Rd? 

Concrete Island on SR 141

Weather, funding, contractor availability CANNOT be used as an excuse.

A huge concrete island was recently installed "Out of the Blue" on Medlock Bridge Rd. 

The weather was perfectly fine in January to pour concrete for an island on SR 141. Contractors worked for days on the project. 

Ernest Moosa is confused why GDOT maintains State Route 141 sections better in Gwinnett County & Forsyth County, than in the Johns Creek.

He notes those roads are also proactively sealed and don't have the pothole issues like Johns Creek.

Who Runs GDOT?

Georgia DOT is governed by a 14-member State Transportation Board which exercises general control and supervision of the Department. 

Johns Creek's GDOT Representative: Mark Burkhalter

Mark Burkhalter GDOT Representative

  • Former Georgia General Assembly
  • Authored the city charter and created the new City of Johns Creek
  • Johns Creek Resident - Lives in Country Club of the South
  • Owns Multiple Commercial Properties on 141 near State Bridge Rd
  • 141 - Medlock Bridge Rd - Renamed / Dedicated as "Mark Burkhalter Highway"
  • Newtown Park Amphitheater was renamed to "Mark Burkhalter Amphitheater"
  • Term expires 4/15/19

If we can't get our own representative to maintain our roads, in his "backyard" what does that say for the rest of Georgia?

Source: GDOT



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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