Old Alabama Rd Construction News Flash from City Hall, Friday 6:55 pm: WARNING to all motorists: If at all possible, avoid driving east on Old Alabama at Medlock Bridge roads. We seriously recommend you find another way.
This GDOT project was petitioned by the City of Johns Creek and has been years in the making. Construction started early summer with sidewalks installed.
How could it come as a surprise to City Hall that when the Florida T & striping are removed Friday afternoon and other arterial roads such as Jones Bridge and Parson Rd Bridge are under construction, extensive gridlock would occur? Children on school buses for more than 2 hours... Is anyone watching Traffic cameras?
Estimated Old Alabama Rd Construction completion date is Oct 2016. Why is it going to take 13 months to widen less than a half of mile of road?
Drivin' N Cryin' is coming to Johns Creek in more ways than one. Coincidence?
I think not!
By Friday the whole city will be Driving AND Crying.
The mayor and Broadbent are busy planning the District to notice this disaster.
Incompetence seems to be the standard method of operations...
The miserable gridlock resulting from these 3 projects (OAR; Jones Bridge, Parsons) is unacceptable. I strongly supported incorporating the city in 2006 because Fulton County was unresponsive to traffic and zoning issues here. We've been cheated; this is worse than before incorporation (never thought I'd feel that way). We've been advised that traffic concerns are not sufficient for the city to deny permits for new development. Huh? These combine to create a miserable quality of life. We've added another layer of inefficient, unresponsive government. These may be GDOT projects, but as noted, why did our City Government not notice or anticipate the problems? Because they don't care.
Watching the last work session and council meeting regarding the upcoming review of policies and the potential council meetings for 2016, I could only laugh at the comments. They have run out of time to get these things done was stated more than once.
As Jack says we have been too busy pursuing a project called the Central Business District that does not even fall within their domain. It is private property. If the owners wanted to redevelop it, it would have already happened. They have the most to gain.
And how much have we the taxpayers paid for this? Between actual funding and the time of city staff, more than 1/2 of 1 million dollars. Likely a whole lot more.
But then again, working on traffic solutions is boring and mundane. Dreaming of a Central Business District with canals, high density housing and trendy Buckhead style restaurants? Much more exciting. It's what dreams are made of.
We need Council Members to be elected that understand what the scope of our local government should be. Be certain to get their clear and unmistakable position on the Central Business District, High Density Housing, and whether or not Johns Creek is sustainable.
It's bizarre how everyone claims to be fiscally conservative. Voting records show they are not.
This election will decide which way Johns Creek goes: High Density Urbanism or stay as the residentiallly superior community that is already rated one of the top cities around.
The choice will be yours. Be sure you elect the right voices to the Council. Voices that will ask the right questions.
Before we get the wrong answers implemented and we cannot reverse course.
Our existing city council has increased our taxes and not used our tax money effectively to solve our traffic problems. Now we are in a congestion nightmare. No council member has ever reached out to us to get our input on these issues. Our city council can hardly find the time for council meetings much less meet with the community! The action we need to take on Nov. 3 is to vote Broadbent OUT (Post 6) and send a clear message to all the incumbents on council!
Hello, Why does it take 13 months to work half a mile of road? Should the city be looking for another contractor who has better/more resources to complete the job quicker?
I encourage you to attend the next City Council Meeting and ask that question in person.
But you will not like the answer.
I agree! we need new council members. Just think of how many got elected, only to leave before their term was up.
Please elect some honest, concerned members for the sake of all of us and our children.. No more career politicians, just ones that really want to do whats best for Johns Creekers and not themselves.