Preserve Johns Creek Founder, John Bradberry, Announces City Council Campaign

August 17, 2017
Johns Creek small business owner and former United States Marine, John Bradberry, has announced his intention to run for City Council Post 3 in this November's election.
Bradberry bought his first home in 1999 in what would later become Johns Creek and served as his neighborhood's HOA president.  "Even back then, as a new homeowner, I was concerned about community development issues.  I saw what happened to Sandy Springs with apartments and other high-density developments repeatedly approved in the pursuit of greater tax revenue.  These developments negatively impacted traffic and residents' quality of life."  John subsequently joined the effort to start Milton County and served as the group's founding chairman.  When Johns Creek incorporated, John, like many other residents, felt that with the new city, our community would finally be protected.
When John and Christy married in 2003, they moved into their current home in Kingston Crossing, where John also served as HOA president.  After serving as HOA president, John became increasingly concerned about the changes occurring in Johns Creek.  He began attending City Council meetings and got involved in the JCCA.  Bradberry later started Preserve Johns Creek, a group dedicated to protecting our residential character and quality of life. Preserve Johns Creek has been able to help stop the high-density townhomes at Parsons Rd, helped reduce the number of billboards that have gone up from 10 to seven, gotten the Macedonia Cemetery some level of basic care, and slowed the knee-jerk move to widen 141 until we have investigated other options that can improve traffic without sacrificing our residential character and quality of life.
"Whether it is zoning or road improvement projects, every decision made by the City of Johns Creek should ask "How will this affect our residents' quality of life?"  said Bradberry. 
Bradberry's campaign slogan is "Preserve Johns Creek...Protect Our Quality of Life!"  Bradberry said, "This is more than just a slogan to me.  Our community is at a critical juncture.  It is vital that we return to our original vision for Johns Creek.  We are a high-end residential community with great schools, low crime, and a high quality of life.  As long as we continue to be the best at that, then there will always be high-demand for our "product".   It sets us apart and makes us unique.  We love it and call it home."
The highlights of Bradberry's platform are:
* Restore trust in local government
* Focus on traffic relief for OUR residents
* Stop high density development, billboards and road widenings that create cut-through highways
* Term limits for locally elected officials
"These issues are critical to my family and the future of Johns Creek.  I'll be an independent voice for the residents."
About John Bradberry
John is a graduate of UGA with a BBA in Management Information Systems.  He worked for Oracle and himself independently as an IT consultant.  With a passion for the outdoors and his community, John later started and built a successful landscape design and contract business for residential and commercial customers. He continues to manage this business, while also maintaining business interests in real estate and educational finance.
John is a member of the Johns Creek Veterans Association. Christy, John, and their daughter Gracie attend Northpoint Community Church.
To learn more about John Bradberry and his campaign, please visit
For media inquiries, please contact Greg Williams at 404-457-4143 or via email at [email protected]



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Zane Edge

I am very pleased to see John Bradberry announce for Post 3. For years, John has unselfishly devoted much time and effort in the Johns Creek community and he is very knowledgeable about our city. John also knows what’s both good and bad about our local city politics. With the Preserve Johns Creek website and related email blasts, John has a proven track record of protecting the residential character of our community despite the strange urbanized directions we have been pulled. With John, you know exactly what you’re getting and it’s most certainly NOT a professional corporate location strategist with ties in commercial real estate negotiation. John is also not a puppet. With John on the Council, the city will have another independent thinker. You might actually hear Post 3 speak in meetings and work sessions. Imagine that!!

Ed Thompson

John Bradberry has been consistently engaged with our City Council, acting as a voice of the residents and their concerns. His addition to the Council would help restore a healthy balance that is currently tilted toward special interests.

If we want to preserve the residential character of Johns Creek and reverse the tide of high density, overdevelopment, and increasing road congestion, John represents our opportunity to make that happen. I look forward to supporting his candidacy.


I live on Abbotts Bridge road near 141 and it can take over 20 minutes to travel south on 141 between Abbotts Bridge and States Bridge in the morning. Widening 141 at the major bottle neck intersections to allow three lanes thru will help local residents, not just Gwinnett and Forsyth county commuters who go thru Johns Creek.

Sarah Smith

The current Council seems fixated on trying to turn JC into the next Sandy Springs or Alpharetta vs. focusing on maintaining and improving what already makes JC such a great place to live. Getting rid of a few of the Bodker sycophants and replacing them with some independent thinkers is desperately needed before we become overrun with high density multi family housing and 6 lane freeways to help people from Forsyth Co get to ITP quicker. Not to mention the hideous billboards they allowed in. We can do better and no doubt Bradberry will be an upgrade


I can understand not wanting apartments and other density housing, but based on property values the market in Sandy Springs is much more desirable than Johns Creek. Homes easily can get over $200 per square foot. Homes along the river can command closer to $300 a square foot in Sandy Springs. Homes in Johns Creek are selling for half that or even less.

What's your point, dummy?

Then why are crime rates higher and public schools below average in Sandy Springs?


I'm not the reason you can't sell your home for $200 per square foot. The market has spoken. Sandy Springs despite having worse schools and crime still command a much higher price. We might prefer JC but the market doesn't.

Suzi Krizan

Anonymous...Ever hear of the phrase, "Location, location, location" ?
Sandy Springs is closer to Atlanta, than us here in JC.


As you head down 141 prices drop as you enter Peachtree Corners and drop even more as you go to Doraville. So not necessarily the closer to Atlanta you get the prices rise. Schools play a big role. Lots of Dekalb County on the eastern side of 285 are closer to Atlanta but sell for next to nothing.


Yes I have heard of location location location. Sandy Springs is closer to Atlanta, but so is Stone Mountain and lots of South Dekalb which have very low values, so location isn't the only factor. My point simply was being Sandy Springs isn't necessarily bad. I wish I could afford to live there and when my children are done with school I might. Zip codes 30327 and 30328 fetch among the highest prices per square foot anywhere in metro Atlanta. We might think JC is great, but the market says otherwise. No house in JC will get $200 per square foot.

Zane Edge

I wonder if the high price-per-square-foot in Sandy Springs could possibly be due to the area below I285 all the way down to Chastain Park. This includes the Mount Paran corridor which is often referred to as the new West Paces Ferry. Talk about residential character, this is some of the most exclusive residential real estate in all of Georgia. This trend expands north of I285 on the west above Riverside and Powers Ferry. It was this way long before the city of Sandy Springs came about in 2005. When the city formed it simply encapsulated these already lush and exclusive residential areas with the already existing traffic gridlock and uncontrolled commercial sprawl disaster around Roswell Road and I285 that most people know as Sandy Springs. Previously, these areas were never related. So you see, the rooster crow does not cause the sun to rise.

I wonder if this is the same Anonymous that often plays the shallow contrarian on JCP posts with everything from politics to social issues to the economy to Johns Creek. Debating with this Anonymous is like an argument, as in the Monty Python skit, “I’d Like to Buy an Argument”.

EJ Moosa

As someone who has analyzed all the home sales in Medlock Bridge neighborhood using the Tax Assessor's data, Anon's conclusions are misleading at best.

One home sold for $209 per square foot, and they are NOT on the river.

The smaller the home, the higher per square foot they sell, on average, by the way.

We are delighted than John Bradberry has decided to run for city council. He has shown his dedication to our city in so many ways. We look forward to casting our votes for him in the upcoming election.


Boys, boys, boys...

I read comments to see if I can learn something about a candidate and instead read mostly squabbling about about price per square foot on residential real estate in Sandy Springs vs. Johns Creek. You
Candidate filing still has a day to go. Let's see who all of the actual candidates are for Post 3 and then listen to their answers to intelligent questions that will get asked during the debates surely to be held before early voting begins.

EJ Moosa

Unfortunately "Lydia", inaccurate data must be corrected. Many of us have seen too many times "data" cited from city hall that becomes the gospel truth that is not even close to being factually correct.

EJ Moosa

Had the opportunity to attend the Meet and Greet for Bradberry held in Medlock Bridge. It was standing room only, and it was great to see the residents so engaged with what is going on in Johns Creek as well as where we are headed.

Our residents are so much more informed than some give them credit for. Thank you John Bradberry and Medlock Bridge for giving us this opportunity.


John is a going to be a great councilman for Johns Creek. He has been front and center fighting for the residents. You have my vote!!

Edi Reid

We live on Bell Rd. and you are more than welcome to put some signs on our property>Our address 7300 Bell Rd. Know that you put one sign on the Mills property already

John Bradberry

Thank you Edi! We will get that out to you ASAP. We can't preserve Johns Creek without preserving the beautiful Shakerag and Bell Rd areas. This is more than just a campaign. It is a community effort to reclaim our City for the residents and protect our quality of life.

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