Radio Silence: Bodker Refuses to Answer Apartment Permit Questions

March 21, 2019

Bell Rd Apt - Under Construction
Radio Silence: Bodker Refuses to Answer Apartment Permit Questions. After 23 days, 2 public comments, 2 emails asking for answers - Radio silence. Bodker Refuses to Answer the following Bell Rd Apartment Permit Questions:

1) When did you (Mayor) come to realize that Richard Aaronson was involved (in the Development)?

2) Were any ordinances overlooked when the permits were issued?  Is this development in full compliance with ALL of our zoning laws and municipal codes?

Is Mayor Bodker Doing His Job?


Sec. 3.22. – Powers and duties of the mayor.
(4) See that all laws and ordinances of the city are faithfully executed;

If everything is on the "Up & Up" Say so, Mayor Bodker!

If you are Proud of YOUR decisions and Staff's work here.

Reply! Communicate! The Residents deserve to know.


Bodker Under Pressure
Bodker Under Pressure at last Council Meeting

Is the Development in Compliance?

Bell Rd Apt Signage

Well, the Johns Creek Post drove by the development and it appears not to be in compliance!

Clearly, no one from City Hall has bothered to come to visit.

Have a look at the leasing trailer, with the wrap-around signage. Not allowed per the City of Johns Creek Sign Ordinance. Only 1 Sign during construction, which they already have up along 141.

Signs during Construction. One (1) additional sign shall be allowed during construction. The sign shall not be internally illuminated, shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height, and shall be allowed beginning with the commencement of construction and ending with the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or installation of a permanent sign, whichever occurs first. - City of Johns Creek, Sign Ordinance


Where is Code Enforcement? Community Development Director?


According to Freedom of Information Act Requests, Code Enforcement Officer Reginald Miller went to Las Vegas from March 10 - 16 on a Delta flight for $616. We'll request additional records and expenses as they become available.

Will the Code Enforcement Officer visit the construction site for inspection now that he is back? Our initial public comment regarding the matter was February 25th, 2019. Why is this development & resident concerns ignored for 12 days before the Las Vegas trip?

Sharon Ebert announces her 'retirement as Community Development Director on March 5th, 2019. Without a succession plan in place. Her last day is today, March 21, 2019.


History of Issues & Concerns


In 2013, the previous City Council launched an investigation on Mayor Bodker due to ethical concerns and complaints from City Staff. An attorney was retained to determine whether or not Mayor Bodker was complying with the City Charter.

Within the investigation, it was stated, Mayor Bodker "used his position to assist his friend" and campaign contributor Richard Aaronson. (page 13) Aaronson was finishing the construction of Johns Creek Walk II, and was having difficulty obtaining Occupancy permits. Staff did not issue the permits for public safety concerns.

Johns Creek Walk II  is the same case, that Mayor Bodker voted favorably to rezone and was found in Violation of the City's Ethics Codes.

Bodker accepted a gratuity, a free weeks vacation at the developer's (Aaronson's) Beach house in Florida. In addition, Bodker received a $300 month reduced rent at Johns Creek Walk, courtesy of Richard Aaronson. (page 6)

In the investigation, it is reported, Bodker lied about how much the rent reduction was. For many of the questions, Mayor Bodker refused to cooperate, provide the documents and comply with the subpoenas.

There are more salacious details in the report, here..

Finally, any other Elected Official would have been removed from office for less serious offenses.

In conclusions, Bodker worked overtime to ensure Lenny Zaprowski & Cori Davenport were elected, 2013. They repaid that effort upon swearing in, and quickly voted to cancel the investigation that would have removed Bodker from office.


Current Development


Johns Creek Walk II, also included Hearthside Apartments in its rezoning. Both Bodker & Mr. Dixon  (Richard Aaronson's Partner) boasted Hearthside as an accomplishment and example for this current development's rezoning.

When do you think Bodker knew of Richard Aaronson's involvement?

Are you concerned about this development, zoning applications and permitting in Johns Creek?

Do you see a pattern of behavior?
You be the judge?

Sources: City of Johns Creek

Investigation Report on Mayor Bodker here...



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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Carl Chapman

When will someone open another investigation of the unethical behavior of Mayor Bodker? If it walks like a duck...


He thinks he is exempt from all rules!!!! He should’ve been gone a long time ago, Along with all his cronies !!!!!! The Czar and his cronies BAD FROM WAY BACK!!!! He needs to GO!!!!!!!!
Like that phoney last Mayoral election. Marchetti drops out when it’s too late for anybody to put their head in the ring! Should be hiring more cops! Crime is out of control !!!! Just check the JCPD app!


Time and time again Bodker's attitude clearly suggests that he believes he is beyond reproach. He should answer questions. He holds a public office and is accountable.

If there is nothing underhanded here why doesn't he speak up?

Come and Get me Che!

Mayor Che Guevera is a complete corrupt, criminal. Scumbag galore.


Wow, and Bodker sure has a lot to say on many other issues. Keep shining a light on this clown JCP and thanks for keeping our community informed....

Suzi Krizan

Please vote in the next mayoral and council elections...If you want a change, make it happen with your vote for Pete's sake. Too many Johns Creekers do not vote!

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