Truth, Lies & Videotape: State Bridge Townhome "Megaplex" Zoning Meeting

September 14, 2018

Residents Revolt!

 Truth, Lies & Videotape: State Bridge Townhome "Megaplex" Zoning Meeting. It was SRO, "Standing Room Only" with HOA representatives & Homeowners from all over Johns Creek speaking out against the 208 Townhome "Megaplex" that is proposed next to Johns Creek High School. 

As expected, lots of lies, spin & deflection came from the Developer, Attorney & Property Owners.

We Debunk the Lies & Misinformation

The Developer stated that they can currently build 75 homes.
This is False. City Staff told the JCP, 11 homes can currently be built, and they will correct the Developer. Yet City Staff is wrong. See below: they have the property zoning incorrect according to the Property tax records. We've calculated approximately 33 houses could currently be built.

Dagmar Sands (Property Owner & Realtor) wrote on the Preserve Johns Creek website the community will be 55 +. 
This is False. It will be "All Ages" according to the Developer & Attorney. 

Developer asserts the townhomes will be for older, downsizing people with little impact to the schools.
This is untrue. Older people do not want multi-story units with stairs. All units are without 1st-floor bedrooms. Those without kids are not seeking to live next door to a high school AND an elementary school across the street hearing children and teens all day. 

The developer asserted the Cameron Parc townhouses were of little impact to the schools.
This is false. We did Freedom of Information Act Requests for that zoning case report estimates & Fulton County Board of Education actual enrollment. 

Below is the Estimated & Actual Data of Cameron Parc Subdivision

                                    <img src="" title="school1" alt="school1" />                                            
                                        Elementary School 
                                                                        17 Students
                                                        <p>Fulton County Board of Education Estimated Students: 7-15
            </li>                                               <li>                
                                        Middle School 
                                                                        11 Students
                                                        Fulton County Board of Education Estimated Students: 3-6
            </li>                                               <li>                
                                        High School 
                                                                        16 Students
                                                        Fulton County Board of Education Estimated Students: 6-11
            </li>                                               <li>                
                                        Total Actual #
                                                                        44 Students
                                                        Fulton County Board of Education Estimated Total Range  16-32 (Median: 24) 
        <h3>Errors in the Application & Staff Internal Memo:</h3>       
                                        <a href=";LayerID=18251&amp;PageTypeID=4&amp;PageID=8156&amp;KeyValue=11%20082002850209" data-elementor-open-lightbox="">
                        <img src="" title="JCHS-zoning" alt="JCHS-zoning" />                               </a>
                                        <figcaption>Fulton County Property Records Classify JCHS as R4A - Not Mixed Use, as City Staff & Developer indicated. </figcaption>
    <ul><li>The Applicant described the current zoning as undeveloped. This is False. The Internal Memo has all parcels zoned as R-1. This is incorrect.</li><li>2 parcels are zoned R-4A</li><li>6 parcels are zoned R-1</li><li>The Applicant indicated JCHS is zoned for Mixed Use. This is FALSE. It is R-4A</li></ul>      
        <h3>Community Zoning Mtg: JCP was FB Live</h3>      
    City Staff turned off the Cameras, after the Developer's presentation. This displayed how favorable the developers are treated within the City of Johns Creek. They get the mic and full video streaming, to state whatever they want without rebuttal or fact-checking.

As soon as it was the residents & taxpaying homeowners turn to speak and ask questions, they did not get equal treatment.

Thus, Johns Creek Post did a FB LIVE Video
of the Q & A with the Developer at the meeting.

  • Please forgive the shaking camera and occasional lack of focus. It was our first time doing this. We will improve! -

Be sure to Like our FB page, as we will be doing more FB Lives & additional posts about Johns Creek news & events!


Additional Concerns from Residents:

  • Clear Cutting of parcels & removal of Specimen Trees
  • Additional impervious surfaces 
  • Additional Stormwater runoff
  • Reduced Landscape Strip - Units close to the road
  • Lack of adequate Deceleration & Acceleration Lanes
  • Many units are single car garages
  • Bare Minimum Parking Spaces
  • Undeveloped areas of the property are a large stream swath & retention ponds. No recreation.
  • Lack of Amenities - Medlock Bridge Concerned about potential misuse of their facilities (playgrounds, pools, tennis, etc)
  • Allowability of 30% as Rentals

Update: Possible reasons for recusal?

Sources: Fulton County Property Records, Fulton County Board of Education, & City of Johns Creek



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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Richard Szymke

Thank you for the video. The developer is trying to sell a concept that is questionable 1. Housing will atract empty nesters and step down buyers. Without master on main they have missed their market. All products will require stairs or an elevator. Elevators have a large square footage requirement and these units are small. They have very few extra parking spaces. Where do the visiting kids and families park over night? Minimal amenities. Most development that are trying to sell to this market have huge amenity packages. Small units of 1400 sq ft cannot possibly meet the needs of a couple who are stepping down from 4-5000 sq ft homes. The larger units are up to four bedrooms How many step down buyers need four bedrooms for two people? This property is adjacent to the high school 50-60 yr olds are looking for this environment? The small apartment like stacked homes logically will attack customers who want these schools with a affordable price point. The impact on the schools will be significant. The list can go on and on. This concept is a nightmare.

  • magnifiermenu