Yawn... Another Park Study

April 16, 2015

Johns Creek is seriously deficient in Park Land.

There are 2.45 acres per 1000 residents. That is 201 acres for our population of 82,000 people.

The City's Green Plan recommended Dean Gardens as a Riverfront Park and Picnic Area.

In 2014, City Council (Mayor Bodker, Cori Davenport & Lenny Zaprowski) Voted in favor of a subdivision of 70 Lennar homes, changing the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.


Dean Gardens sold for a bargain price of $9.2 Million. With 1200’ Chatahoochee river frontage and 60 acres of green space, it would have made a lovely botanical gardens and community park.

Sadly, our elected officials voted for 70 Lennar Track Homes.


Map of the Current City Parks in Johns Creek



Recently the City Charter was changed for the City Manager to have more Assistance. He currently has 3 Assistant City Managers & Executive Assistant.

One Assistant City Mgr is tasked with overseeing Parks & Rec dept and needs to outsource 3rd Party to conduct a Needs Assessment & Inventory, etc.

The City Hired a consultant for $88k for also the following tasks: conduct surveys, interviews, workshops & outreach booths, etc.




It is sad that our Elected Officials continue to spend money on Study after Study, rather then acquiring land, as it is quickly diminishing within the City.


The 2008 Green Plan that is appendix C of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, indicated areas of the City that need parks, ideal locations and the general cost of purchase & construction etc. For 50 Acres of Parks, the Land Cost $17.5 million dollars.

The National Recreation and Park Association minimum standard is 6.5 to 10.25 acres per 1,000 according to the City's 2008 Green Plan.

 Source: City of Johns Creek



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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This means our city needs 3 to 5 times more park space than it presently has.


How about putting pocket parks at
1- the SW corner of Old Alabama and Medlock Bridge
2- the NE corner of Old Alabama and Jones Bridge
3- the SW corner of Medlock Bridge and Parsons

These parks could be similar to those found in Savannah, GA. If Oglethorpe did it why can't we?


Yes we should have pocket parks all along 141. The city spent millions putting sidewalks on medlock bridge rd and pocket parks would be a good reason to put them to use and prevent more development and traffic.

Just Breathe

Bodker doesn't want parks, he wants to "pave paradise and put up a parking lot" for the businesses that are pouring in.


Some people say that parks don't create revenue, but they're wrong! The park consultant for Johns Creek said that the Duluth Town Green increased property values and attracted business


It should be noted, that when Dean Gardens went up for sale, it perfectly met the needs of the city for riverfront park space, at half the cost of forecasted land acquisition, complete with a park setting, buildings, and even a golf course. NO ONE from city council recognized the opportunity that was in front of them to make the city EXCEPTIONAL. Perhaps, none of them have actually read this 12 page document, or taken the time to think whether the recommendations have been seriously progressed since 2008. We don't need a new study, and we certainly don't need an assistant city manager whose first order of business is to outsource their job.


RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

N Hale

What makes America great is the spirit of the people and the ability to work together to effect real change. How much money, how many misstatements, how many public trust betrayals does it take for the citizens of Johns Creek to become public and drive change?


Bodker (this week) is now saying parks are important, more than likely to take the focus off the real intention; "The District" = MORE PAVEMENT AND MORE TRAFFIC CONGESTION. JC has already overdeveloped and robbed citizens of green space and parks. AND, how many sidewalks that lead nowhere do we need; and many of these same sidewalks will sooner than later have to be torn up in order to add traffic lanes.


Spot on, Candice. Is this why we incorporated? To have 1/4 of the standard for parks / green space? How about taking care of the existing 82,000 residents first and then consider other prospects!


Perhaps the city logo should be deception and not exception?

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